Running some JUnit tests with Ant 1.6.5 gave this error when the <junitreport> task ran:
build.xml:160: The following error occurred while executing this line: build.xml:367: Could not find a valid processor version implementation from net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl
I know of two possible solutions:
- Upgrade to using Ant 1.7.0, or
- Set ANT_OPTS thus:
declare -x \\
I usually use a element within the task element to get the same effect.
Cheers, Tony.
Oh dear, WordPress comments swallow tags in comments. Oh well. What I wrote is that I usually use a <factory> element within the <xslt> task element to get the same effect. Should work with 1.6.5 as well as 1.7.0.
Cheers, Tony.
I do use the <factory> element with the <xslt> task, but it’s not an option with the <junitreport> task in Ant 1.6.5.